Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Classroom Action Research

        One of the four points of teacher competence is directly related to the innovation process of learning is the professional competence of teachers’ ability to do simple research. One of the simplest forms of research that teachers can do is Classroom Action Research. Therefore Classroom Action Research as one form of research that has purpose to improve the quality of learning. The definition of Classroom Action Research is as form of research that is reflective to perform certain actions to improve and enhane classroom learning practices in higher quality, so that students can gain a better learning results.(Mohammad Asrori,2009:6).Whereas, Rochiati Wiriaatmadja(2009:13) says that Classroom Action Research is how a group of teachers can organize their teaching practice conditions ,and learn from their own experience.Components in a class that participated in the classroom action research include students,teachers,teaching materials,equipment or means of education, learning outcomes, environment and management.The important question is What is the purpose of conducting Classroom Action Research ? So the core answer is to increase and improve instructional practices by teachers.In conducting Classroom Action Research actually many benefits to be gained,such as help teachers to improve the quality of learning,enhance professionalism and confidence of teachers to actively develop the knowledge and skills.Then Classroom Action Research will always be relevant to the needs of teachers to conduct innovation in the learning process.
     Classroom Action Research has several models, namely as researcher model, collaborative model, experimental model and social administration model.Practical steps of action in Classroom Action Research should be done by the teachers.Mohammad Asrori(2009:100-106) says that there are four action steps that are usually performed ;(1)Planning,the first step of planning is basically a teacher as a researcher formulates a plan of action.This step is after known as 5W & 1H.(2)Action, teachers implement action, based on the plan of action planned.Classroom Action Research done cyclical,namely more than one cycle,could be two,three cycles or more.(3)Observation, the teachers observe the effects or results of any actions undertaken or imposed to the students.Whether the action was undertaken to give effect to the improvement and the enhancement of the learning process and student learning outcomes or not.(4)Reflection,teachers assess and consider in depth about the result of actions taken based on criteria.Based on the results of reflection, teacher can evaluate.
      Classroom is the kind of research is still relatively new in educational.Because it is still relatively new, so this kind of research attracted many people,but at the same time raises the pro and cons.Classroom Actions Research has the advantages of cooperative with peers can lead to a sense of belonging,encourage critical thingking and creativity of teachers and improving teachers’skill.Classroom Action Research also contains the weakness that are less depth of knowledge and skill,not easy for teachers to find the problem and not easy to manage time.

Asrori,Mohammad.2009.Penelitian Tindakan Kelas.Bandung:CV Wacana Prima.
Wiriaatmadja,Rochiati.2009.Metode Penelitian Kelas.Bandung.PT Remaja Rosdakarya.’11)

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Classroom Action Research by Sevian is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial-TanpaTurunan 3.0 Unported License.

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